The Laundromat

Since me and Cory moved into a brand new home that doesn't currently have a washer or dryer, we're forced to go to a laundromat. Which isn't as much of a drag as you would think. I'm sitting here in All Star Laundromat waiting for our clothes to dry. It cost us $7.50 to do two big loads of laundry. This is my first time coming to a laundromat and actually doing laundry so might as well write about it. That and our place has no Wifi so I take every opportune time to do blog or check facebook. 3G suffices but Wifi is a lot faster.

In other news, we made some new friends! Tiffany and Mac. We met at Starbucks yesterday. Turns out we have a lot on common on practically every level. We're nerds, people piss us off, are new to the area and don't have a lot of friends, etc. It's refreshing to know I'm not the only one who just hates life right now. It's also nice to just have more people in your life who love and support you. So I guess life doesn't completely suck for us. Things are looking up.
I mean, a new house, a shower, friends, I'm getting a job, A SHOWER. 
Life is just getting a lot...brighter.

I should probably go. The laundromat lady is giving us dirty looks.


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My name is Matthew. I write, sing, play, and probe life forms in my giant ass space ship. I've seen over 100 R rated movies, I've read over 25 books in my life so far, I've written 2 movies, a television show about a cannibal restaurant, and I like to think I know what I'm doing when in actuality I really don't. I'm on balance beam a million miles above the ground and I'm about to slip and have everybody witness my literal fall. Is your iPhone ready? Are you watching this shit?